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  • ا د كريم علوان محمد الجشعمي
  • Prof Dr. Karim Alwan Mohamed Al-Jashamy
  • تدريسي : تقنيات الاشعة والسونار
  • Teaching : Department of Radiology Techniques
  • دكتوراه في علم الامراض الطبية
  • PhD of Medical Pathology
  • aljashamy@bauc14.edu.iq‏
  • jashamy@yahoo.com
  • البحوث

    2022 Vol. 46 No. 2 (2022): Iraqi J. Vet. Med
    "ovine mastitis is a disease that concerns animals' welfare and increases the economic production losses. Bacterial agents such as Staphylococcus species are the main causative agent of bovine mastitis. This bacterial agent expresses some inflammatory cytokines that might enhance the cell-mediated, which may promote the pathogenesis of mastitis. The objective of the current study was to investigate the bovine innate immune response circulating levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. A total of 10 mL of milk specimens were collected randomly from 100 clinically mastitic cows, and another 20 clinically healthy cows were considered as a control group for the California Mastitis test. The microbiological cultures of milk specimens were performed. The interleukins (ILs)that involved IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 were detected using the ELISA test for the evaluation of the pro-inflammatory bovine mastitis pathophysiology. The results of this study showed that Staphylococcus aureus detection was in 31.2% of mastitic milk and 8.7% of non-mastitic milk specimens; and the coagulase-negative Staphylococcus was detected in 14.8% and 18.7% in the mastitic and non-mastitic milk specimens, respectively. The IL-6 level was shown significantly higher (P<0.05)in the specimens of mastitic milk (194±12.8 pg/mL) compared to the non-mastitic milk (31±2.9 pg/mL). In conclusion, the elevated level of expression of IL-6 cytokine in the milk of cows with mastitis suggested that IL-6 might be used as a potentially suitable biomarker for early bovine mastitis diagnosis"

    2023 AIP Conf. Proc. 2593, 050012 (2023)
    Ascaris lumbricoides is a widespread parasitic nematode of humans and animals. A high incidence of the disease appeared in the poor hygienic areas. Adult parasites are inhabited in the gastrointestinal tract of the patients. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence and pathophysiology of Ascariasis among hospital patients. The specimens were collected from the outpatients referred to Al-Betole teaching hospital/Diyala province during the period from January 2020 to January 2021. The study population consisted of 380 patients with ages ranging from<5 to 60 years. Endoscopic examination to detect intestinal injury and to collect stool samples about 5g were collected for Ascaris lumbricoides laboratory diagnosis depends on direct microscopic examination of parasite or ova in the stool sample. 5 ml of a blood sample for measurement of total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, urea and creatinine, and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. The results in this study showed the overall incidence of Ascariasis during the year in the male was 218 (57.5%) out of 380 cases, while the female was 162 (42.5%) out of 380, the total highest percentage was 10.8 in August. The highest rate of infection was 5.8 in males and females in October and August respectively. The overall prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides infection diagnosis by endoscopic smear showed that 280 (73.8%) out of 380 patients were positive endoscopic cases, and 184 (48.4%) of 380 positive cases that detected by direct stool examination, and 97 (25.5%) of them detected by culturing, there was signification differences between the examination tests at P≤ 0.01. The clinical symptoms that occurred in patients with Ascaris lumbricoides showed abdominal pain was the major complaint 163 (43.2%) out of 380. The biochemical levels test showed a significantly increased level of total direct bilirubin and total bilirubin as same as in the case of over urea and creatinine tests compared with the control group. In conclusion, there was a significant difference in the total bilirubin levels in the overweight and obese groups compared to the control group, also it is represented no significant differences in urea and creatinine levels among patients when compared to the control group
