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The University Council
The University Council

The University Council

  • admin
  • 05:35:05
  • 19419

College Council:

The College Council performs the tasks and specializations of the powers of the University Council stipulated in Article (17) of the Higher Education Law No. (25) of 2016:

First: The College Council performs the following tasks:

Set admission requirements and qualifications.

  • Recommending numbers of students to be accepted at the beginning of each academic year.
  • Recommending the adoption of the proposed curricula and submitting it to the Ministry.
  • Approval of a plan to provide educational requirements.
  • Suggesting the annual tuition fees.
  • Managing the university’s funds, investing, and conducting them in accordance with the university’s goals.
  • Proposing to appoint vice-president of the university.
  • Approving of appointing and relieving Deans of faculties and heads of departments or branches.
  • Recommending an extension of the university president’s term of service, nominating a replacement for him, or relieving him.
  • The mandate of faculty members and extension and termination of the mandate period.
  • Grant academic certificates for the graduates.
  • Approving scientific promotions for faculty members after coordination with the Research and Development Department in the Ministry.
  • Recommending opening a new college within the private university and submitting it to the ministry.
  • Recommending opening, merging, or canceling scientific departments or branches and submitting them to the Ministry.
  • Approving of the annual budget and final account and transfer between its sections.
  • Approving of the faculty members of colleges or scientific departments.
  • Approving of contracting with non-Iraqi faculty members in accordance with the regulations adopted by official universities, except for determining wages.
  • Approving of contracting with faculty members and other employees, determining their wages and remuneration, accepting their resignations, and terminating their services.
  • Approving to make the agreements with groups, colleges, and scientific institutions that are concerned with scientific research inside and outside Iraq.
  • Suspending of studies in whole or part when necessary for a period not exceeding (7) seven days, provided that the Council of Higher Education in the Ministry is notified with a statement of the reasons that called for that.
  • Donating the transferred funds to universities, colleges, and scientific and educational institutions inside Iraq following the law.
  • Accepting grants, gifts, subsidies, wills, and endowments from inside and outside Iraq in accordance with the law.
  • Approving of opening courses for teaching foreign languages ​​and continuing education courses.
: College Council The College Council performs the tasks and specializations of the powers of the University Council stipulated in Article (17) of the Higher Education Law No. (25) of 2016
