From Saturday to Thursday(8:00AM-2:00PM)
Contact us : +9647716699096

  • م.م. انعام مهدي هادي
  • Assist. Lecturer. Anaam Mahdi Hadi
  • تدريسي : طب الاسنان
  • Teaching : Collage of Dentistry
  • ماجستير طب الفم
  • Ms.c. Oral Medicine
  • Syllabuses

    Syllabuses - 3
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    Collage of Dentistry two full 4 انسجة الفم والاجنة Oral Histology & Embryology
    Collage of Dentistry five term 1 5 طب الفم Oral Medicine
    Collage of Dentistry three full 2 اخلاقيات المهنة dental ethics


    Lectures - 23
    year syllabuses Dep. Step Lectures
    2024-2025 اخلاقيات المهنة dental ethics Collage of Dentistry step 3 dental ethics lectures
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 Pigmented Lesions of the Oral Mucosa
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (PMD)
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 Red and White Lesions of the Oral Mucosa
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis(RAS)
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 Ulcerative, Vesicular, and Bullous lesions
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 Temporomandibular Joint
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 Hematological Investigations
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 Laboratory investigations in dentistry
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 Intra oral examination
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 INTRA ORAL EXAMINATION
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 Extra oral Examination
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 EXTRA ORAL. head and neck examination
    2024-2025 طب الفم Oral Medicine Collage of Dentistry step 5 Introduction of the Oral Medicine
    2024-2025 انسجة الفم والاجنة Oral Histology & Embryology Collage of Dentistry step 2 Dental Pulp
    2024-2025 انسجة الفم والاجنة Oral Histology & Embryology Collage of Dentistry step 2 Enamel structures
    2024-2025 انسجة الفم والاجنة Oral Histology & Embryology Collage of Dentistry step 2 Amelogenesis
    2024-2025 انسجة الفم والاجنة Oral Histology & Embryology Collage of Dentistry step 2 Dentinogenesis and dentin structure
    2024-2025 انسجة الفم والاجنة Oral Histology & Embryology Collage of Dentistry step 2 Slide preparation, Tooth development and developmental disturbances of teeth
    2024-2025 انسجة الفم والاجنة Oral Histology & Embryology Collage of Dentistry step 2 Development of tongue and anomalies
    2024-2025 انسجة الفم والاجنة Oral Histology & Embryology Collage of Dentistry step 2 Development of face and anomalies, Development of palate and anomalies
    2024-2025 انسجة الفم والاجنة Oral Histology & Embryology Collage of Dentistry step 2 3rd week trilaminar germ layer: gastrulation and neurulation, Development of head and neck (pharyngeal arch, pouch & cleft
    2024-2025 انسجة الفم والاجنة Oral Histology & Embryology Collage of Dentistry step 2 2nd week, Bilaminar germ layer, Embryogenesis: first week, ovulation, fertilization and implantation

