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Scientific cooperation between Bilad Al-Rafidain University College and the Iraqi Nur sing Syndi cate...
Scientific cooperation between Bilad Al-Rafidain University College and the Iraqi Nur sing Syndi cate...

Scientific cooperation between Bilad Al-Rafidain University College and the Iraqi Nur sing Syndi cate...

  • admin
  • 04:12:51
  • 101

The Nur sing Department, in cooperation with the Iraqi Nur sing Synd icate, Diyala Branch, held a tra ining course on the basics of nur sing for first-year students at the Syndicate’s headq uarters as part of scientific cooperation between Bilad Al-Rafidain University College and the Nu rsing Syn dicate, Diyala Branch. The Nur sing Syndi cate was also honored with the Shield of Creativity and Excellence by the Head of the Nur sing Department, .  Dr. Imad Eyal Matar and his accompanying delegation for the support provided by the un ion to nu rsing staff and soc iety in all fields
