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graduates Department of Accounting - 2013-2014

top graduates Department of Accounting

graduates Department of Accounting - 2013-2014
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
حسين رحيم سامي محمود الدليمي Department of Accounting 2013-2014 Excellence
خولة ابراهيم كاظم محمد Department of Accounting 2013-2014 Excellence
ظبية صبحي عبود دروش العلوجي Department of Accounting 2013-2014 Excellence
نوال حسن علي احمد العزاوي Department of Accounting 2013-2014 Excellence
احمد هلوش حسين علي المجمعي Department of Accounting 2013-2014 very good
أسامة عبد الأمير ياسين كاظم القيسي Department of Accounting 2013-2014 very good
أمال حسين كاظم جواد الخزرجي Department of Accounting 2013-2014 very good
برشنك إبراهيم قدوري سلمان الوندي Department of Accounting 2013-2014 very good
جلال عبد الكريم عطية حسن الحميري Department of Accounting 2013-2014 very good
حسن عادل إسماعيل راضي الربيعي Department of Accounting 2013-2014 very good
