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graduates Department of Radiology Techniques - 2020-2021

top graduates Department of Radiology Techniques

graduates Department of Radiology Techniques - 2020-2021
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
حامد عثمان جبار فهد Department of Radiology Techniques 2020-2021 very good
مروه امير محمود جاسم Department of Radiology Techniques 2020-2021 very good
عبد الرحمن زومان عواد خلف Department of Radiology Techniques 2020-2021 very good
زينب مصطفى عبد العزيز جاسم Department of Radiology Techniques 2020-2021 very good
زهراء سعيد كاظم عذيب Department of Radiology Techniques 2020-2021 very good
ايه عباس شكير محمود Department of Radiology Techniques 2020-2021 good
هاله عامر جاسم محمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2020-2021 good
زبيدة معن عبدالهادي صالح Department of Radiology Techniques 2020-2021 good
ايه نوار علي سعدون Department of Radiology Techniques 2020-2021 good
ختام شاكر محمود خميس Department of Radiology Techniques 2020-2021 good
