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graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science - 2023-2024

graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science

graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science - 2023-2024
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
اسراء عبدالكريم قادر حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 very good
علي حسين مشجل محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 very good
محمد احسان شاكر محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 very good
رشا حازم احمد شريف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 very good
اشرف يوسف احمد رشيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 very good
محمد فريد غضبان خداداد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
علاء عادل صبري ياسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
محمد سامي جراد حتيوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
هبه ماجد حميد حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
شذى حمود علوان خميس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
حسن عبدالعزيز عبدالامير عبود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
ميس هادي ثامر علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
بفرين حقي حميد ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
ضيدان قادر جوامير نكه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
سوزان ابراهيم داني حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
بفرين محمود شوكت قادر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
عمار حيدر كريم حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
اوس فاضل جامل عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
جوان علي حسين حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
عمر محمد حسين خضير Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
قيصر علاء عبدالقادر عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
حسين محمود موسى فلامرز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
ريم عادل حسين برسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
رنين عدنان زيدان خليفه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
سردار صبري حسين محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
زينب جبار نصيف صالح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
سحر قيس نصيف جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 good
سنار شعيب رشيد رزوقي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
هاله علي بيجان حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
هشام حاتم عبد عبود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ميساء جمال فاضل جعفر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
كاروان رمضان مراد مامه خان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عبدالودود حميد فهمي محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد نوري عبدالرحيم ميخان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ماهر نعمان كريم سلمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
افين اسماعيل شفيق محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عمر صلاح الدين عبدالله علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عباس جبار عبدالله محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
نوران هادي خليل جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ازهار منعم عبدالصاحب هادي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
بروين علي اكبر هياس قمر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
هديل خميس احمد خميس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي ناظم جاسم عزيز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
تبارك فاضل رحمان كريم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
شوان مالك داود سليمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
زينه حسن كمرخان امين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي ولي شيرزا ميرزا Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسين عبدالرحمن علي جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد ناصر مهدي ناصر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد هشام اسماعيل حبيب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عمر عدنان علي عزيز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حيدر فائق فالح حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
شفان حيدر محمد مراد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
كاظم جاسم لطيف جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد احمد حسيب غيدان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
زينب احمد سعيد سلمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد جباره عبد خليل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى حميد اسعد نداوي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
لبنى طلال اسماعيل حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد صباح نزهه وهيب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد عباس عبدالقادر احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد عبدالسلام محمود علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
بشار صبحي محمود احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمود جبار خضر جميل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
جوانرو اسماعيل عبدالرحمن كريم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى عدنان محمد درويش Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
منتظر كامل اسد احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى صالح محمد عبدالله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي ناجي محيسن شلكام Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى حسين وهيب 19-20 Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد مهدي خلف سلمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد رحيم خليل ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
رافت بهجت محمد سلطان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي خليل ابراهيم صالح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ياسر شكر سعيد حمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد علي حسين رستم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد جاسم محمد كرج Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حيدر ثامر صالح يوسف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسن محمود موسى فلامرز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مثنى ابراهيم خلف محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد عدنان عادل مرهون Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محارب مظهر محمد حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مهند عباس علوان محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عمار علي حسين سارو Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
وفاء لطيف جاسم محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مرتضى عبدالامير ناهي عزيز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى نزار علي جواد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسين جاسم محمد منصور Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد فاضل مجيد جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
خليل ابراهيم رشيد فرج Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسين حراز حسين مرعي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
وسام قاسم محمد جلو Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد قاسم حمادي خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
نبرد قادر اسماعيل حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
يحيى احمد يحيى احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ندى هادي نوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسين عبدالكريم عبود ياس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سجاد عامر حميد حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عمر مبدر خلف ولي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد علي حسين علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد علي كامل هندي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
بريفان عمر حسين علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسين علي غني مدلول Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عمر عوني حميد داود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حمزه مبدر خلف ولي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
امجد صالح محمود موسى Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
تميم علي جواد حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
هاشم عصام هاشم عزيز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي ضياء خليفه نصيف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ياسر طه عبد فرحان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مشتاق شهاب احمد حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
امير علي حسين علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ازاد صلاح عباس محمد صالح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علياء رمضان حصين زبين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ليث فهد سبع خميس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ماهر عدنان ناصر حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى احمد عزيز بفري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسين مصطفى بدري عبدالكريم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ايهاب علاء منعم سعيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد نوزاد ابراهيم سعيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مثنى ابراهيم عبيد علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حيدر محمد سعيد عبدالحسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي نجم ناجي صكر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
انمار سلمان وهيب محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
نهاد ماهود سلمان عاقوله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد مسعود مغير مبارك Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
بارق عبدالله محمود حبش Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عمر عدنان خورشيد مجيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد علي عبدالحميد عامر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
طه عبدالعزيز علي حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي جبار ماضي دباح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
فائز عبدالرحمن داود ناصر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد عبدالعباس كاظم احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي هاشم ياسين حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد قاسم محمد نصيف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ابراهيم يونس امين رحيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى خليل رحمان جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى مظفر ياسين سلمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد فاضل خليفه اسماعيل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى ثاير كامل كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد راضي محمد كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حمزه خالد علي صالح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي عباس رشيد عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عبدالله عبدالرزاق اسماعيل محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ايهاب جعفر عباس محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد صفاء الدين ظاهر حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سيف زنزل حسين علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عمر ايدن سعدي مصطفى Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي طالب ابراهيم كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد حسن عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حذيفه عبدالخالق صالح علو Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حيدر فلاح كريم شياع Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سيف جمعه عبد علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد كريم جاسم محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مثنى شهاب خليل جليل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
فاطمه نهاد موسى محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عمر عدي كامل محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عماد جبار شنيشل فليح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عبدالسلام زهير رزوقي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ذوالفقار عبدالكريم ابراهيم احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ارسلان جليل امين رضا Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصعب محمد كريم عبدالله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي عدنان محمد عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد ابراهيم عبدالله محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد صفاء الدين ظاهر حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سيف سعد ريحان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
يوسف يعقوب يوسف عبدالوهاب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
منشد احمد عباس علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسن لطيف حسن علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ولاء خالد علي صالح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
طه محمد حسن حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
كرار حسن شاكر حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احسان عبدالله حسن حمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حيدر ضاري سبع جواد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
نذير داود سلمان جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى محمد اسماعيل عارف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد حسن جاسم محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
معتز احمد مسعود جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد شهاب احمد حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسن عبدالخالق رستم محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد قاسم صادق مهدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسن طه ياسين كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عبدالله فرحان رحمان ولي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد خضير عباس مجيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد شوكت عبود مبارك Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مرتضى طلال اكرام حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسن عماد زكي جمعه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
قيس طاهر عبدالله ريس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي عبدالستار مجيد حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
جاسم مهند جاسم حمودي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
رضا محمد خليفه حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عبدالسلام فخري نواف ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سوران سردار محمد امين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سجاد علاء جاسم عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد نزار عبدالرحمن مراد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مهند احمد عزيز بفري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عمر محمد صالح رشيد عبدالله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد سعد ولي نجرس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علاء صادق جعفر حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ضياء وهاب عبدالرزاق كريم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عباس فاضل خليفه اسماعيل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى كنعان يوسف صالح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عدنان اسماعيل ابراهيم حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد ظافر مهدي لطيف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سامر منير عبدالوهاب محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
فهد كاظم محمود عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مهند عبيد عزيز خساره Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مال الله منعم مال الله احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
هذال امين فرحان عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
فارس شاكر سلمان فارس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى نجم عبد خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عبدالله عباس عبدالله رشيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسن يوسف حسن مجيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسين عقيل عبدالرضا علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي عاطف صبري رشيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عامر صالح خلف كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حمزه مسلم حسن محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
فلاح حسن علي هندوس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد كريم علي حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حسن نوري هادي حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد قاسم ياسين سعيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سلام صباح حسن جواد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ديار محمد رفعت حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سيف كاظم كريم حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ايمن خالص محمد سهيل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
امير احمد غازي داود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد محمد صبار كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سمير كريم قاسم عبدالحميد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي سالم كريم طه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
وسام عبد صالح خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سها عاصم محمود عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
صالح علي جميل صالح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد صباح محمد امين حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
ابراهيم عزيز ابراهيم حمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سامر هشام هادي سلمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
زينب خالد عباس حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
كرار علي احمد ردام Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى نزار مال الله زيدان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
قاسم فهد كامل خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
هارون رشيد كريم هادي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد عبدالرزاق علي حنش Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد نعمت نياز مامكه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عبدالله خالد علي حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
عمر عباس منشد وهيب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد اياد عباس عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حمزه عماد عبداللطيف غيدان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
علي مهدي علوان الفت Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
فراس قاسم عبدعلي عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد علي خليفه جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
بهاء غفوري مهدي صالح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
محمد صالح فرج محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
رياض قاسم حسين علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
هوكر ماجد محمد شاه ولي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
احمد ابراهيم حسن احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
سجاد احمد عباس مزيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 middle
حيدر عبدالستار عزيز خاجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
عمر عبدالرزاق غني مدلول Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
فارس محمود محمد محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
ابراهيم محمد عبدالله حبش Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
نافان عثمان عبدالقادر عزيز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
مصطفى نوري توفيق شفيق Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
احمد سليم حسن سلمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
حسين مؤيد عبدالغني ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد فؤاد شهاب احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
حمزه شهيد مجيد شهاب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
رياض غسان هادي ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
غسان سامي عبد ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
مصطفى جمال جاسم حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
قصي ناجي صالح حماد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
عبدالقادر عبدالمنعم حسين نصيف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
حسن خالد محمد غضيب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد جمال سلمان داود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
حسين عامر احمد حاجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
سيف الدين ناصر مهدي ناصر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد قاسم مهدي حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
احسان عادل عبدالجبار صفاءالدين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
احمد صفاء نجم عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
عمر عطا ابراهيم فرج Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
سلام سعد حبش سبتي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
مرتضى حميد محمد علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
مصطفى علي طارق ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
حسين زيد هاشم فاضل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
ميثم طارق عبد حمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
سلمان حميد سلمان عبدالله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
حيدر نوفل رفعت عزيز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
عبدالقادر رافد عبد ناجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد عبدالحسين حسن حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
سيف مهند رحيم حاتم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
علي ليث احسان هادي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
مراد ياسين احمد جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
علي بهاء احمد مجيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
بشار عدنان احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
مصطفى محمد ابراهيم صفوك Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
هبه مزهر احمد حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
علي جليل اسماعيل فاضل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
احمد عامر شمه سعد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
طه سرمد عبد حبش Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
احمد مزهر ابراهيم مدب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
خالد عبداللطيف نوري خليل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
نصرالله روكان عبدالله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
احمد جمال سبع خميس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد شكر مهدي صالح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
ناجي جاسم ناجي مبارك Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد حميد محمد ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
حسان صلاح مهدي عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد عماد حسين علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
حيدر احمد مراد مطر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
ابراهيم رشيد ياسين كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
علي صباح يحيى حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
علي حسن عباس خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
علي السجاد ليث محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
فاضل قاسم ركلي حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد رعد سعد عاشور Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد اسماعيل خليل قدوري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
ربيع مزهر هيلان مطلك Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
جعفر عبدالجبار فاضل حميد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد ستار حمودي محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد فاضل جواد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
نوفل نهاد محمد علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد عبدالرحمن محمود احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
مجتبى عباس كاظم حمودي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
نسرين علي اكبر هياس قمر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
طيف خالد علي وادي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
علي سعيد فارس حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
عدنان عبدالرحمن ياسين ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
عمر ستار كنبر خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
غيث نهاد علي احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
علي عامر خضير عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
ممتاز جاسم محمد عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
خبيب معن عبدالجبار طه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2023-2024 acceptable
