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graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science - 2022-2023

graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science

graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science - 2022-2023
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
غصون فؤاد خليل محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 very good
ابراهيم حسين ابراهيم سبع* Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 very good
امنة فائق فالح حسن* Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 very good
رغد نجاح صادق عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
حسين علي احمد محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
شيماء ستار حسن حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
حسين عبد كاظم عمير Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
عبير اسماعيل عباس محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
شهب حاتم حسين فدعم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
اسيل حسين هدرس علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
انور ابراهيم عباس جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
صباح نوري صالح مجيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
انمار ثامر عبد محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
عبدالغفور قدوري عطية سبع Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
كرار مهند هادي عبدالنبي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
حسن علي احميد حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 good
زيد متعب عبدالله محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عبدالله عباس غفوري سعد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
صالح طلال كاظم عمير Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
مصطفى عباس محمد عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
فلاح حسن علي محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حسين محمود مجيد معييد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
سلام قيس محمود سلطان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
انيس لبيب قدوري شكر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
مصطفى سعدون كامل سعدون Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد سلمان داود مهدي* Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
دنيا محمد عباس علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
هناء جبار حسون محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حيدر هاني جواد كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
طارق احمد وهيب حميدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
ميثم رعد خضير عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
علي غازي فيصل خضير Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
صادق باقر جاسم محمد ناصر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حسين سعد خليفة احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد قاسم محمد علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عباس حسن سيف موسى Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
نزار مشعان حميد جواد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عبدالله نجم عبد خضير Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد خلف حنو فاران Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
علي عدنان ذياب لفته Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
سيف زهير رزوقي مهدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد نصرت شجاع عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد عبدالله عيسى علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد عدنان محمد عنكوش Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حاتم عبد الكريم حسين مهدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عمر مجيد رشيد جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
رامي سعد علي حميد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد سعد جلال عطية Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
مهدي امير ناصر عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
انور مزهر محمد احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
سعيد سعدون سعيد حبيب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
مصطفى رشيد علي محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
علي محمد علي عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد محمود علي كريم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
مصطفى محمد جليل جابر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حسين عماد ابراهيم حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد حكمت لطيف كشكول* Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد صلاح غازي طعان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
هاجر عبدالباري عبدالله محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد شبيب مخيف احمد* Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حارث عباس عبد كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
جاسم محمد عباس محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد ثائر عبد علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد عبد احمد حسون* Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
فيصل غازي سعيد خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد شهاب احمد حبيب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد جبار عبد الله وهيب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
ابراهيم جاسم محمد محسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
علي روكان احمد جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
طه سعدي اسماعيل خليل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
جعفر غازي ثامر حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد عامر محمد عبدالكريم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
مصطفى شهاب احمد خزعل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد كريم احمد حمزه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حمزة فوزي كاظم خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد علي هاشم كريم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
وسام عبدالرحمان وهيب جراد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عمار حسين حمزة سعيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
علي حسين كاظم عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عبدالرحمن حميد نجم عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد هاشم راضي موزان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد نجم عبد الله جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عباس نصرت شجاع عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
ابراهيم عبد الخالق سلمان حمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حازم جواد عبعوب خميس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
قاسم علاوي قاسم حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
مهند حمزة عبدالهادي كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
علي الاكبر عبدالحسن جمعة حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حسين عدنان اسماعيل صادق Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
علي محمد كريم عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد وضاح محمود خضير Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حسن محمد مهدي جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عمر ثامر جلوب هيجل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
ليث رحيم تقي نايف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
علي نعمه احمد حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
الزاكي عبد الجبار ردام كيطان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد تحسين كيطان درب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد سطوان صالح حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حسن حسين هادي حمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حسين قاسم سعيد سلمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
مرتضى هادي رشيد حميد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عبدالله ابراهيم كامل حمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
هشام فائق علي جمعة Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عماد ظاهر نصيف جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
كرار حسين عبد شياع Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عباس علي جاسم محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
رضا محمود عبد الرضا علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حسن عباس منصور علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حسن محمد عبد كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
سلمان جمعة محمد عبدالله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
مصطفى زهير حاتم عبدالله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد خالد كامل جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد فلاح حسن علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
ناجي محسن حسن طالب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
علي اسامة عبد الخالق مجيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عباس مهدي صالح محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
علي هاشم علوان كنوش Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
حيدر جواد كاظم فليح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
ايه كنعان عسكر حسن* Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
علي ثامر عبدابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمد ياسين علي عاشور Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد شهاب احمد محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
يوسف حمزة علي عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
مصطفى زهير حميد عيسى Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
عبدالمهيمن خالد عبد علي غيدان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
احمد محسن علي كاظم* Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
يحيى حميد خليفة مربط Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
اكرم محمد حسين خميس* Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 middle
محمود جاسم محمد زيدان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
سجاد نبيل تركي فاضل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
علي صباح هادي حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
محمد مهدي محسن خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
مصطفى جمال حسين علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
نزار علي عواد اسماعيل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
مرتضى خالد عبدعلي غيدان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
عمر محمد مهدي محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
سعد هادي كاظم حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
محمد علي داود جميل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
محمد لطيف ابراهيم فليح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
حيدر صكبان كاظم عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
محمد مظلوم رشيد شبيب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
اياد حكمه غني كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
علي عمار عبدالكريم حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
محمد علي هلال مطر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
محمد حسن كاظم محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
سفيان مزهر مدلول كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2022-2023 acceptable
