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graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science - 2021-2022

graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science

graduates Department of Physical Education and Sports Science - 2021-2022
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
غيداء علي عزيز علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 very good
نوال حسين منصور حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 very good
ريام محمد بشير عبدالامير علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 very good
سحر عدنان عباس سهر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 very good
احمد خليل علي محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
نسرين جمعة مراد احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
باسم ردام عبد عزيز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
طارق رشيد عبدالكريم احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
شبر حيدر عبدالامير اسماعيل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
مريم وسام محمود هندي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
احمد سلام عبد سلمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
محمد قحطان عبد احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
حيدر رفيق عارف محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
زينب حسن ابراهيم عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
اسراء طه فليح حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
احمد عبدالحسين كاظم جواد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
بشار نايف علي محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
بشار جاسم حسين علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
سما يوسف فهد خيون Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
حسام عبدالستار حسوب حمودي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
علي منذر نعمان خليل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
احمد محمود عبدالجبار عبود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
زينب حقي حميد خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
لينا كمال حسن قادر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
مروان قاسم محمد عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
حنين جاسم محمد محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
احمد علي عبد المجيد عبدالحميد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
حيدر نوري خلف حميد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
فاطمة محمود ثامر فدعم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
سجى كنعان ابراهيم سلطان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
زهرة علي رستم امان الله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
نرمين فؤاد حسين شاه مراد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
جنيد عدنان نجم عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
مصطفى محمد ضياء الدين محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
عباس فاضل عباس احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
جعفر حسين حمزة سعيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 good
شيماء عماد ثامر علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مصطفى مجيد حميد عسكر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
جاسم محمد علوان حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ازهر مدحت بلال سعيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد حقي اسماعيل جبور Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مصطفى جبار صادق محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حيدر نافع قادر حافظ Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ليث عباس اسماعيل كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد ماجد محمد كرم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
موسى كاظم جاسم محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
جعفر علي عبدالكريم كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
هاشم علي حسين محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي حسين عبدالله حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
احمد حسين حميد جياد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
احمد سعد فرحان خصاف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حاتم كريم احمد سعود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عمر اسماعيل يوسف ضاري Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
سوسن خلف محمد جبر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
همام اسعد اسماعيل ماجد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ذو الفقار احمد علي هادي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ياسر صفاء عبد محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
قيس نواف خضير مجيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد طارق توفيق سر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عماد اسماعيل سلطان سبتي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
احمد عثمان اسماعيل علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مؤيد مقداد حسن محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مرتضى كاظم حمود حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
فلاح حسن كاظم شنداخ Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
صاحب منصور حمد حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد عاصم محمود عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حسين خليل عبد احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حقي محمد احمد قادر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علاء علوان مال الله حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حيدر طارق اكرام كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حسن علي داود مصطفى Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
هيثم داود سليمان لفته Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
احمد عبدالامير عبدالرحمن محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
فارس مهجهج محمد ماجد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ايهاب احمد خليل علو Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
صدام علي حسين سلطان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد لقمان عبدالله حيدر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد عبدالرزاق وهيب ياسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ساجد طارق محمد لفته Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
اياد محمد جاسم احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
الحسين علي عبدالله راشد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ميسرة مهدي حسن مهدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مهند خالد عزت حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي عبدالكريم طه احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
اياد جمال اسماعيل عزيز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي جوامير هيجل حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ليث شهاب احمد محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مصطفى احمد محمود علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عقيل ابراهيم محمد علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
اياد رائد مجيد نعمه Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
غدير غافل حسن محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي فاضل عبدالامير علوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
احمد علي حسان علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مهدي محمد عباس خاطر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
اوس عادل شاكر محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مقداد صلاح مهدي وهيب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ماهر عبدالكريم علي صيوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
جاسم محمد عبد الله ثابت Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عمر عامر فاضل جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حسين محسن رحمان زمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ميديا فرج حبيب قاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
غزوان حسين تحسين محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عبدالله شحاذه محمود مراد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مصطفى سعد فرحان خصاف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حيدر داود سلمان محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد سهيل نجم عبدالله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
اثير غانم محمد يونس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
يوسف عبد الكريم ياس جنكان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
كرار حسن علي رضا Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مصطفى هشام محمد خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمود نوفل محمود عيدان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حسام عبدالرحمن ياسين ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد حسين علي اسماعيل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
كاظم ثامر كاظم علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عمر زيدان خلف علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
سامر طه خضير عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مصطفى دريد علوان محمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
معد هادي صالح خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
غيث كامل علي ناصر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد قاسم محمد سلطان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
سجاد فاضل ديوان محسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عمر انور صباح عبدالكريم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
وليد عبدالخالق عبد علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد جواد كاظم حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ازهر علي محمد عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد زهير جهاد مهدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مجاهد حميد داود خميس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حسين عبدالجليل محسن علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عمر جلال ابراهيم عبدالرحمن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي خليل عبود كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي كامل داود حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ثامر ياس خليل ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حيدر علي حنش خلاف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مصطفى عماد اسماعيل علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عبدالله طلال اسماعيل حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عبدالله سلمان طه ياسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عمر سامر دحام حايف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
اراز ابراهيم محمد خسرو Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حسام الدين ثاير حسن جواد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
نزار مانع لطيف خميس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
احمد عامر عبدالجبار خليل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ارشد محمد عبدالله شاكر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد عباس جواد حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
رسول محمد فوزي هادي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
يوسف عدي كاظم علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مرتضى رشيد حميد احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
يوسف علي خضر حمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
زهراء غالب حيدر محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
احمد ابراهيم عبد حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ذو الفقار ثامر جواد كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
جواد كاظم جواد محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ذوالفقار ثاير ابراهيم كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد عزيز ياور عزيز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عبدالرحمن لؤي طه محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
كرار عواد حبيب Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
سعد مجول دلي لايج Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
هيثم يوسف جوامير حميد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
غسان محمود كاظم احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
هاشم ثامر عمران عيسى Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد عبدالله حسين كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمود ابراهيم طه عباس Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عثمان عبد المالك إبراهيم حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عبدالله سعيد سالم علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
سالم علي عبدالحسين حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ازهار كامل ابراهيم خليل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مصطفى نعمان جوهر جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ماهر شهاب احمد عنكوش Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
بارق علي حكم سلطان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مرتضى محمد شهاب عبود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
كمر عبداللطيف محمد جاسم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد طه محمد عدوان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
انمار عباس لطيف حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
همام واثق ابراهيم خليل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي نصرالدين عز الدين عبدالرحيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مصطفى ابراهيم عبدالحميد عبدالقادر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
رضا رعد عدنان ثامر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حمزة عدنان ياس حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي عبدالعزيز ابراهيم ناصر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عبدالقادرمحمد حميد امين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
يغمور فريح محمود عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد عقيل خليل علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عبدالحسين رافل عبد حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مصطفى محمد احمد شكر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حمزة اسامة عبدالخالق مجيد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
وليد خالد علي ناجي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي توفيق خلف ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
احمد عبدالرضا خلف محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
غيث زياد عزيز علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حيدر عبدالمطلب احمد ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
يوسف فارس حسين جوير Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
احمد حامد كشكول سلمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
سامر عباس ويسي علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد فالح عبدالكريم خليفة Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
اوراس ابراهيم شهاب عزيز Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ابراهيم حسن عبدالله كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حسنين علي سهام محسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد جمال عبدعلي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عباس حسن كاظم علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عمار فاضل فرحان عداي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي عقيل خليل صالح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حسين عادل حسين ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
وسام تحسين اسماعيل حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي خليل ظاهر خلف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
امجد ذياب طه حردان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
عمر خالد كريم خزعل Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مهند سمعان يوسف محمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حسن جاسم نصيف فليح Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد قاسم مهدي طعمة Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
حذيفة حميد مصلح مهدي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
وسام وصفي عبدالامير كاظم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
غسان رعد حمد سلمان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
مصطفى محمد عبدالستار نصيف Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
علي شكر محمود علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
احمد محمد رشيد فرج Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
هيمن اكبر سارو حمه ولي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
زياد طارق ياسين حمود Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد طه عبدالرزاق حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
سيف حسن كاظم حسن Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
محمد سعد خليفة احمد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 middle
ماهر كامل مصطفى علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
ليث سعيد محسن دليان Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
وسام قاسم فارس هندي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
مصطفى خزعل كامل شكر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
محمد جعفر محمد مبارك Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
محمد خليل عباس علي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
حسين اياد طارق جعفر Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
سيف صلاح نجم عبدالله Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
احمد عادل كاظم عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
علي فاضل محمد كريم الكيشي Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
علي قاسم عبدالله جبار Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
حمد لله حازم جاسم حسين Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
احمد كوان حسين عبد Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
علي شكر محمود ابراهيم Department of Physical Education and Sports Science 2021-2022 acceptable
