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graduates Department of Radiology Techniques - 2023-2024

graduates Department of Radiology Techniques

graduates Department of Radiology Techniques - 2023-2024
name Dept. Sem. Deg.
ساره خالد عبدالحسين مصطفى Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 very good
حوراء مصطفى عبدالجبار خضر Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 very good
حسين كاظم محمود كاظم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 very good
سماح فاضل عبود حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 very good
رسل حسين علي جارالله Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 very good
حنين صباح عبدالامير علي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 very good
ايه عامر احمد ذياب Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 very good
وسام احمد عباس ابراهيم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 very good
هدى حسام عبود زيدان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 very good
نجلاء خليل علي احمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 very good
رفل مؤيد روضان حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
هبه شاكر محمود سلوم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
غفران راضي ياسين ربيع Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
مريم عماد علوان احمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
صوفيا موسى احمد موسى Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
حنين طالب مطلك فرمان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
هبه وسام سامي كاظم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
شهد حسين محمود احمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
سمر نبيل عبود حافظ Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
تبارك فاروق احمد مهدي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
اسيل امير حسن سلطان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
غسق طارق عبعوب خلف Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
احمد جبار جواد محمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
عمر عبدالسلام عبدالوهاب عيدان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
محمد حيدر مهنا ايدام Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
ندى هيثم محمد صالح Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
حاتم طي مجيد شياع Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
ساره عبدالخالق عرموط عبدالله Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
زينه ستار امين محمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
غفران جابر خضر عباس Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
حنين مؤيد علي سلمان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
تهاني ماجد حميد فهد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
اوراد رعد عبدالكريم احمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
ايمان نامق طالب حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
احمد باسم محمد علي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
ياسمين فيصل ثاير سلمان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
براء جاسم عباس حميد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
علي حيدر عاشور املح Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
احمد كيلان خميس شكر Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
حسين سلمان حسين خلف Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
نوافل باسم طه ياسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 good
حارث حيدر مهدي عباس Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
احمد غسان وسام حسن Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
سلمى حسين ابراهيم عبد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
رواسي جاسم عباس جاسم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
ايلاف لطيف حسن علوان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
حيدر مقداد حقي اسماعيل Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
عباس عبدالكريم جعفر صادق Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
عبير كريم حسن نجم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
مريم احمد برع شياع Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
نبا ماجد جاسم محمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
محمد موفق مهدي عبد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
احمد باسم سلمان خميس Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
هند عباس عبد ياخي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زهراء محمود عباس حبيب Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
هدى حسن علي حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
الياس خضير هادي صالح Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
مريم البتول رفعت يوسف رضا Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
ساره ماجد حسن محمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
نوره ثاير علي حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
رشيد سعدي رشيد حبيب Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زمن صالح محمد ياس Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
ابراهيم علي حسن جواد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
فاطمه اياد رجب عبدالحميد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
ايلاف عبدالقادر حسين احمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
اسياف سلمان ياس خضير Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
فاطمه ايمن حميد مجيد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
عباس كنعان حميد جاسم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
عمر عبدالحميد علي حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
حنان محمد نعمان مهدي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
نورهان جمال ثامر عباس Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زينه اركان محمود احمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
مريم شاكر نادر سمين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
رحاب عبدالستار يوسف محمود Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
احمد محمد رحيم خليل Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زهراء حقي اسماعيل خماس Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
محمد تركي حسب الله عبدالعزيز Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
ضحى عيسى زيدان خلف Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
تبارك حميد حسين محمود Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
اطياب عدنان عبدالقادر حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
عائد حسين علي حميد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
فاديه ثامر عبدالوهاب عيدان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زهراء عباس يوسف اسماعيل Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
مثنى ثاير عبدالستار حميد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
شيماء مجبل علي شلهوم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
شروق عماد منذر عبد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
مصطفى رافد هادي صالح Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زهراء روكان عدنان كاظم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زينب ارحيم خليل علي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
نبا محمد محمود ديوان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
ايه مفيد هيلان كاظم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
نبا طارق حسين سكران Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
حنين عامر دحام مناجد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
ايات مقداد عبداللطيف جاسم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
اميمه مثنى جميل عبد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
هديل احمد كاظم علوان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
حسام محمود شكر مغير Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
عمر محمد كمر عبود Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
يمام سعد عبدالمعين عبدالامير Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
رويده عباس نعمان جمعه Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
سهام ثعبان داود سلمان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
علي غالب عبدالحسين سلومي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
احمد علي مهدي كاظم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زينب عبد حسين جواد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
نورالحسين اسعد جميل مجيد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
صفيه محمد هادي جواد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
يقين ضياء شكر محمود Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
ريزان جميل ابراهيم حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زينب طالب علي عبد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
سنا سلام عبدالخالق نعمان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
مقداد محمود علي حسن Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
حسين رحيم درويش يوسف Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
منتضر رائد عدي حاتم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
مريم معن رشيد حميد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
حيدر قاسم رحيم شباط Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زينب عبدالحسين جاسم لفته Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
مها احمد حسن جاسم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زينب احمد علي عباس Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
طيبه يوسف صالح اسمير Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
داليا وميض راضي عبدالكريم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
سبا سعدي عبود محمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
نرجس سامر علي عبدالقادر Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
احرار عبدالله عمران عبدالله Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
حسين علي عبد ناصر Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
نور جليل عنجاص حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زياد طارق محمود ذياب Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
ايه فراس محسن حسن Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
مؤمن لوي سلمان خطاب Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
مرتضى علي عبود فارس Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
زينب محمد عطيه عباس Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
ياسين عدنان ياسين مرهج Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
عبدالله رعد عبدالكريم احمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
احمد هيثم احمد جاسم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
محمد مهدي صالح دواي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
بشرى ابراهيم محمود عبداللطيف Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 middle
طيبه محمد عبدالله محمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد هادي طاهر ناصر Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
قدس عبدالله شحاذه سلمان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
يعقوب عدوان ابراهيم زيدان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
حسن عماد طه حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
عبدالحميد تحسين قادر Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
هند كريم حسين كريم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
عقيل حيدر عبدالله حيدر Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
امير هاني عبدالله عبد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
سناء سمير شمسي عبدالله Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
سعدي روكان دهام حميد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
تبارك ابراهيم كاظم سيع Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
لاره جعفر محمد صهيود Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
علي حسين حميد عبد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
احمد رياض نصرالله عناد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
ساره سالم عليوي ناصر Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
وسام حسين عطيه جواد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
امجد جاسم محمد حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
فاطمه عقيل حامد بريس Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
عهد كريم عبدالله حردان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
تبارك الله علي صبحي حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
مها نمر حسن نجم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
بنان عبدالكريم عبدالقادر محمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
انس احمد علي حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
رفل قاسم يوسف رزيج Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
فاطمه حميد كامل حميد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد عبدالغفار رحيم اسماعيل Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
حسن ضياء ابراهيم عواد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
فائزه ضياء حاتم كاظم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
محمد قاسم حسن محمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
يونس جاسم نصيف جاسم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
نور حازم طالب حسن Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
طيبه ثائر شيرين محمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
انسام معاذ خليل ابراهيم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
قادر سلطان اسماعيل صالح Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
بسمه اركان رشيد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
عادل حسب الله كاظم كطوي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
كرار علي عبدالصاحب خضر Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
مصطفى ثامر محمود ذعذاع Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
علي فائز عبدالغني حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
زين العابدين سالم داود بريسم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
ميس ليث علي غني Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
احمد عباس احمد عبد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
نوح خالد مانع زيدان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
اسراء علي حامد احمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
عبدالقادر طلال عزيز ياسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
حوراء منير عبد علي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
عبدالكريم يحيى كريم حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
مصطفى محمد علوان حميد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
علي سالم محمد سياهي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
عبدالله جليل صلال جوامير Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
زينب معتوك ستار عبدالعزيز Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
بلسم بلاسم صالح خلف Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
حيدر عبدالرزاق احمد جاسم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
ايه زياد خلف منشد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
شهد ثامر فاضل Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
علي كريم احمد خليل Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
تبارك مجباس حاتم داود Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
مصطفى غانم ذياب محمد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
احمد طارق برجس ابراهيم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
رياض رشيد حسن كريم Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
مريم محمد حسين علوان Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
ياس عبدالله شريف طه Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
عبدالله ريسان عبدالله Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
مصطفى حميد راغب حمود Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
انفال محمد كاظم مهدي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
فرح قيس عبدالله عبد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
علي عماد مجيد حميد Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
مروه هشام كاظم حسون Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
نور هيثم عبعوب علي Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
نور نبيل خزعل حسين Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
علي ثامر عاتي عزيز Department of Radiology Techniques 2023-2024 acceptable
